Main Updates for the Orchestra Olympics

Hi all, 

We now have more opportunities to raise money. 

  1. We now have a Facebook fundraiser on the West Chester University Symphony Orchestra. If you share the post you will get an automatic $2 towards your group and any donations created by your share will count towards your group.

  2. We are also having a plant sale on 4/27 and we need volunteers to sell and plant plants. If you sign up you will get $5 towards your group. Sign up:

  3. Our last sale will be coffee and donuts on 5/2 and we will also need volunteers to put money towards coffee and donuts and people to run the table. All money and signups will count towards group. Sign up:

  4. Finally, we now have a dine and donate at Panera on 5/4 from 4-8pm


  1. Group Bologne

  2. Group Bach

  3. Group Mozart

  4. Group Beethoven

  5. Group Mahler

Bonnie Calhoun

Sean Pastorok